Ghost Adventures Birdcage Theatre (07/03/09)
Tombstone, Arizona
I don’t usually recap this show but since they were at the Bird Cage Theatre, a place where I have been several times and Ghost Hunters had an active investigation, I thought, why not. This is what TAPS found on their investigation: The personal experiences: cards shuffling, smelling smoke, shadows walking across the window, shadow walking across the stage, a ball dropping and rolling, cowboy boots walking; Jason and Grant saw a woman about 5’ tall, in a white dress, wearing a bonnet, going downstairs in the poker room. They could not find anyone down there. They also smelt a lilac perfume smell. Steve and Brian heard a loud noise and found their heavy electrical cord unwrapped and lying on the ground. They could not figure out how that happened.
Audio: heard piano (music) playing
Video: saw the cord lift up and unwrap itself and no one was there.
Now let us see what the Ghost Adventures dudes found:
You see Zak interview LeRoy Colomy, the manager of the Bird Cage Theatre, first. He tells him that he believes in the paranormal because of his experiences. They start out in the main area which was a dance hall, theatre, gambling hall, saloon and a house of ill fame, all rolled into one. Above the main floor is where the 14 cribs were where the soiled doves and tainted angels (lady of the night) hung out. They entertained with champaign, kisses and other favors in each of the cribs. LeRoy’s paranormal experiences in that room were being tapped on his shoulder, the smell of cigar smoke, had his legs knocked out from under him by unseen forces. The many reports of physical contact is why Zak and the boys wanted to investigate the Bird Cage. As you look around you will notice that the walls and floors are riddled with over 140 bullet holes giving the Bird Cage a notorious name in history. It had 26 men died in the building, with 16 gunfights caused by thoughts of someone cheating at cards. He told Zak that the spirits got killed so quickly and that they had no where to go, which may be why the Bird Cage has so many ghosts hanging around. Zak next interviews Nova Fleury, a Bird Cage employee, who tells him that women working in the Bird Cage did very extreme things under very extreme circumstances and wouldn't be surprised that many of their spirits are still at the place. She thinks that business is still going on there. She saw an apparition of a woman in one of the cribs, in her 1880's undergarments, opening the curtains, and then moving back inside. The curtains were still moving afterwards. Right after she told him the story, Zak felt like he just got touched by unseen hands. Nova said that she felt a kiss on the cheek at one time while in the building. The next interview is with Dean Dougherty, employee at the gift shop. He tells Zak that many times he was whispered to, spoken to and saw a lady in a white gown and has been in the gift shop, during the daytime. He was a skeptic when he first started, but after his first experience, he is no longer. He tells them that his first experience was while he was walking up to the building, looked in the window, and saw the lady in white standing in the store. He quickly went in to tell her that she was not supposed to be there, but she just disappeared. He then shows Zak a picture of the lady in white going down the back stairs that someone captured. Cool picture. Downstairs, now in the poker room, Zak interviews Ruth Larriso, another gift shop employee. She has heard women's voices when no one was in the room and saw the lady in white exiting through a door in the basement. She got a good look at the lady and could see that she had a bonnet on. (Perhaps Jason and Grant’s apparition they saw?) In that room, the longest poker game in history took place. The game lasted 8 years 5 months and 3 days, and was non stop 24/7, the entire time. It had a 1,000 dollar buy in which is equal to 30,000 dollars today. They have heard poker games, glasses clinking, cards shuffling, poker chips being thrown, seen apparitions of cowboys and a naked woman in the wine cellar. Zak really wanted to capture her. Then we see the guys reenacting the fight at the OK Corral, where boys will be boys. Back in the Bird Cage we see Zak was standing near the hearse with Dwight Hall, a paranormal investigator. He captured many demonic type voices right next to the hearse during several of his investigations of the Bird Cage for the past 10 years. He thinks the hearse is the connection for all the spirits seen many died there. He captured voices saying, “Get the f*** out” and “Go to hell”, to name a couple. He tells them that Caleb is the bad spirit near the hearse and has been caught in some people’s photos. Dwight has felt a hand on the back of his neck and heard a female voice whisper to him while investigating. Lastly, they head off, on horseback no less, to find Brunckow’s cabin. Frederick Brunckow was the first to find silver in the Tombstone Hills and not Ed Schieffelin like history is told. In 1860 Brunckow was working the mine with three other men and about a dozen Mexican helpers. He and two of his men were robbed and murdered at the cabin. The Mexican workers were blamed for the killings. Brunckow's body was found in the minds with a big hole in his chest. Many say they can still hear his screams deep down in the mine.
Tombstone, Arizona
I don’t usually recap this show but since they were at the Bird Cage Theatre, a place where I have been several times and Ghost Hunters had an active investigation, I thought, why not. This is what TAPS found on their investigation: The personal experiences: cards shuffling, smelling smoke, shadows walking across the window, shadow walking across the stage, a ball dropping and rolling, cowboy boots walking; Jason and Grant saw a woman about 5’ tall, in a white dress, wearing a bonnet, going downstairs in the poker room. They could not find anyone down there. They also smelt a lilac perfume smell. Steve and Brian heard a loud noise and found their heavy electrical cord unwrapped and lying on the ground. They could not figure out how that happened.
Audio: heard piano (music) playing
Video: saw the cord lift up and unwrap itself and no one was there.
Now let us see what the Ghost Adventures dudes found:
You see Zak interview LeRoy Colomy, the manager of the Bird Cage Theatre, first. He tells him that he believes in the paranormal because of his experiences. They start out in the main area which was a dance hall, theatre, gambling hall, saloon and a house of ill fame, all rolled into one. Above the main floor is where the 14 cribs were where the soiled doves and tainted angels (lady of the night) hung out. They entertained with champaign, kisses and other favors in each of the cribs. LeRoy’s paranormal experiences in that room were being tapped on his shoulder, the smell of cigar smoke, had his legs knocked out from under him by unseen forces. The many reports of physical contact is why Zak and the boys wanted to investigate the Bird Cage. As you look around you will notice that the walls and floors are riddled with over 140 bullet holes giving the Bird Cage a notorious name in history. It had 26 men died in the building, with 16 gunfights caused by thoughts of someone cheating at cards. He told Zak that the spirits got killed so quickly and that they had no where to go, which may be why the Bird Cage has so many ghosts hanging around. Zak next interviews Nova Fleury, a Bird Cage employee, who tells him that women working in the Bird Cage did very extreme things under very extreme circumstances and wouldn't be surprised that many of their spirits are still at the place. She thinks that business is still going on there. She saw an apparition of a woman in one of the cribs, in her 1880's undergarments, opening the curtains, and then moving back inside. The curtains were still moving afterwards. Right after she told him the story, Zak felt like he just got touched by unseen hands. Nova said that she felt a kiss on the cheek at one time while in the building. The next interview is with Dean Dougherty, employee at the gift shop. He tells Zak that many times he was whispered to, spoken to and saw a lady in a white gown and has been in the gift shop, during the daytime. He was a skeptic when he first started, but after his first experience, he is no longer. He tells them that his first experience was while he was walking up to the building, looked in the window, and saw the lady in white standing in the store. He quickly went in to tell her that she was not supposed to be there, but she just disappeared. He then shows Zak a picture of the lady in white going down the back stairs that someone captured. Cool picture. Downstairs, now in the poker room, Zak interviews Ruth Larriso, another gift shop employee. She has heard women's voices when no one was in the room and saw the lady in white exiting through a door in the basement. She got a good look at the lady and could see that she had a bonnet on. (Perhaps Jason and Grant’s apparition they saw?) In that room, the longest poker game in history took place. The game lasted 8 years 5 months and 3 days, and was non stop 24/7, the entire time. It had a 1,000 dollar buy in which is equal to 30,000 dollars today. They have heard poker games, glasses clinking, cards shuffling, poker chips being thrown, seen apparitions of cowboys and a naked woman in the wine cellar. Zak really wanted to capture her. Then we see the guys reenacting the fight at the OK Corral, where boys will be boys. Back in the Bird Cage we see Zak was standing near the hearse with Dwight Hall, a paranormal investigator. He captured many demonic type voices right next to the hearse during several of his investigations of the Bird Cage for the past 10 years. He thinks the hearse is the connection for all the spirits seen many died there. He captured voices saying, “Get the f*** out” and “Go to hell”, to name a couple. He tells them that Caleb is the bad spirit near the hearse and has been caught in some people’s photos. Dwight has felt a hand on the back of his neck and heard a female voice whisper to him while investigating. Lastly, they head off, on horseback no less, to find Brunckow’s cabin. Frederick Brunckow was the first to find silver in the Tombstone Hills and not Ed Schieffelin like history is told. In 1860 Brunckow was working the mine with three other men and about a dozen Mexican helpers. He and two of his men were robbed and murdered at the cabin. The Mexican workers were blamed for the killings. Brunckow's body was found in the minds with a big hole in his chest. Many say they can still hear his screams deep down in the mine.
LOCKDOWN: Zak first points out a skull in a case that was found in the ground at the Bird Cage Theatre. He and Aaron map out where the static night vision cameras are going to be set up. Number one is pointing at the stagecoach where apparitions are seen; number two will be in the poker room where apparitions have been seen and chairs moving; number three towards the wine cellar where the naked lady apparition was seen; number four point at the prostitutes room; and number five will point at the craps tables and stage room. Now that they have that all figured out, they head into the stage/lounge area and shut the door behind them. Zak immediately sees a light and Aaron hears voice. They said it felt like 50 people were watching them and then proceeded to hear a man's voice. As Zaks continues to shoot a gun, Aaron felt something tugged on his flashlight perhaps mistaking it for a gun. They heard a sound in the hearse area and headed to towards that room. Nick is now asking for some action and he got it, a noise where the prostitutes’ pictures are hung. Zak points his camera at each picture asking if they made the noise; while Nick hears a growl. Zak's camera went out of focus after asking one of the pictures if they are trying to get their attention then the sees a bluish face to the side of him, and freaks out. Now near the hearse, Zak produces a silver dollar to see is Caleb will come forward, then right afterwards, they heard a knock. Zak then gets in the coffin leaning on the wall but nothing happened. Zak and Nick head back to the poker room with whiskey and cigars while Aaron watches on the screens. On the way down, Zak sees a shadow and gets goose bumps. They both heard a man talking but the cameras didn't pick it up, but did pick up a faint female scream. They offer the whiskey and cigar to the spirits while their camera near the stagecoach caught unexplained footsteps. On the digital recorder they caught male voices saying "come here” and "no, keep talking", and then another voice saying "no". They checked to see if Aaron said the “no” because it was so clear, but it wasn't him. They continued hearing multiple disembodied voices and noises. Now it’s Aaron turn in the poker room alone. Standing near the stagecoach in the hearse room, he had the feeling like someone was following him up the stairs to the room. He puts the recorder on the death mobile, as he describes it and slides underneath the hearse. He freaks out and quickly gets out from under. He said that he felt something grab his shirt and decides it was time to leave. Aaron to the guys, “Dude not cool, not going to do this no more.” On their static cameras in hearse room, they caught a voice. In the poker room, they caught a strange light and caught what sounded like cards shuffling and a grunt or breath. Dwight, the paranormal investigator, thinks the light might be a spirit trying to manifest itself, because it looked like an upper torso. He listened to the female voice and heard it saying "someone is here" and a male voice "sighing" loudly as if they interrupted them having sex. He also confirmed hearing the cards shuffling, and then a noise like the cards were hit on the table afterwards. Apparently, there is lots of spirits still haunting the Bird Cage Theatre.
For more on the history and haunts of Tombstone AZ and the Bird Cage Theatre, check out my blog, "The Town Too Tough To Die".