The first time April remembers experiencing paranormal activity, she was only three years old. The house she was living in was around 50 years old, but by all appearances it looked like your typical suburban home. Her parents were divorced but both lived in the house, just in separate areas. Also living in that house was her little sister, who was only one year old at the time. April’s bedroom was in the furthest area of the house away from all the other rooms. One night while sleeping, she was woken up by a bright orange ball floating above her at the end of the bed. This ball had the appearance of lava moving around inside of its center, as if the sun itself was in her room hovering above her. She quickly closed her eyes hoping that it was just a dream and the ball would disappear. Instead, with her eyes closed, the ball was so bright that she could see it was getting closer until it went behind her head. She ran out of the room in terror trying to get away from the ball which now appears to be following her. The hallway seemed to be endless as she ran to find her parents. At the end of the hallway was a large mirror where the refection of the neighbor’s porch light from across the street was shining through. She thought it was the ball of light still following her, and kept running until she was in the safety of her Mother’s arms. For over six months April would not go in her room especially in the nighttime. She slept on the couch near her mother’s bedroom every night during that time. One night while sleeping, she woke up to see two angels floating above the couch where she was lying. One looked like a man similar to her father, who is still alive, and the other was a woman. Half asleep, she got up and went into her bedroom, a room she refused to go into for over six month, and grabbed some paper and crayons. She walked back in the living room, sat on the couch, where the angels were still floating above, and drew several pictures of them. After that night, April was not afraid to be in her bedroom and was able to sleep there from that time on. Her Mom still has the pictures in a box with many of April’s other drawings. There is one other thing that her Mother just recently told her, the light from the neighbor’s porch could not possibly have been what she saw in the mirror that night. The house had been abandoned several months earlier and there was no electricity in the house at all.