April was no stranger to pranksters trying to scare her while in her bedroom. They tried by throwing eggs at her windows or just simply knock on them and run. The house they lived in was on a corner and her bedroom was located in the corner/front of the house. Basically it was easy for those who wanted to scare her to do so and made for a quick get-a-way without being seen. She has seen lots of activity in that room, some of which she just can't explain. One Friday night while their Mother was out with friends, April and her sister invited a couple of male friends over for popcorn and movies. While in the middle of a horror flick, their dogs started acting strange. They ran down the hall to April’s bedroom door. The door was shut and they kept growling as if someone or something was in there. Right after they got up to see what was wrong, they heard a loud bang coming from the room. They all froze and tried to come up with a plan on what to do. April’s sister told her that she had all the house keys including the ones that locked the bedroom doors. After one of the guys grabbed a kitchen knife, they all huddle behind him, opened the door, and walked in together. They felt a breeze coming from the room and noticed that her window was slightly opened. The sheets and blankets looked as if someone grabbed them from the top and pulled them to the end of the bed onto the floor. April keeps her window latched because of all the pranksters trying to scare her, so she couldn’t figure out how it got opened. The only way to open them was from the inside. Even more puzzling was how her sheets and blankets got on the floor when she clearly made the bed that morning. While her sister clutched the keys in fear, they wondered if they should call 911. Having no explanation for the window being opened, the boys decided to get brave and search the whole house for possible intruders. They started yelling, telling the intruders that they better leave because they had a knife, and they were not scared, even though they were. April and her sister sat waiting in the bedroom scared and wondered if this was just one of the many unexplained things that have happened since they rented that house. After a full search of the house, the boys came back to the bedroom and reported finding nothing. They went back in the living room, leaving the bedroom door wide opened. Her sister remembered leaving the keys their mother entrusted to her, in the bedroom. She asked April to go with her to get them because of what happened earlier. As they got to the bedroom, they noticed the door was shut and locked. They felt a chill all over because they know that the only way to lock the bedroom doors was with a key and the keys were in the bedroom. The dogs started growling at the door again, so this time they all ran outside scared and shaken. Grabbing the phone, April called their neighbor and told them what was happening. The couple came over and while the wife stayed with the kids, her husband checked out the house. He searched the entire place, finding nothing and no one. He told them that April’s bedroom door was opened, not shut and locked like they had told him earlier. The couple asked if they wanted them to stay until their Mother came home but they reassured them that they would be fine. After they left, one of the boys had to get home as well. He lived nearby and was so scared of what happened that he ran all the way and called April as soon as he got there to see if they were alright. The three of them were still scared and jumpy but decided to watch another movie, a comedy this time. Not long after getting into the movie they heard a loud crashing noise in the kitchen. This time they yelled to see if anyone was in there in stead of quickly investigating. Getting no response and being very frightened, the three of them got up and walked towards the kitchen in a huddle to check it out. When they got in the kitchen, they saw the drying rack and everything that was in it, lying on the floor. This rack was heavy and full of pots and pans so for it to just fall on the floor, it needed some strong force pushing it. It was almost as if someone picked it up and threw it on the floor. They also noticed that the cabinet door above the area where the rack sat was opened. The box of teabags was opened and almost all the bags were thrown all over the kitchen. There was no conceivable explanation for what happened. Still very scared, they cleaned it up and finished right before their Mother came home. Needless to say, neither of them got any sleep that night because of the unseen intruder.