It was late in the night and April was trying to get her report done for school. The house she was living in now, with her Mother and sister, was on a corner lot. Her bedroom faced the front with two windows at the corner of the room. She sat on her bed, which was near the windows, and placed her wite-out bottle and pens on the ledge. She decided to take a break and get something to drink. Her Mother was on the computer and her sister was sleeping. After grabbing the drink and talking with her Mother, she went back in the room to finish the report. She noticed that the wite-out bottle was not on the ledge with the pens. She looked all over her bed, and checked the side of the bed pressed against the wall hoping that it slid down inside. She moved the bed away from the wall and looked under it. Scratching her head in confusion, she searched all over her room and couldn’t find it anywhere. She thought maybe she took it with her to get a drink, but didn’t know why she would. It wasn’t anywhere in the kitchen or living room. She asked her Mother if she saw it, and her Mother told her that she did not have it with her. Now she’s getting very frustrated and even checked on her sister to see if she was playing a joke on her. When she opened the door, she called her sister’s name and got no reaction. Her sister was fast asleep. April then went back in her room and started looking for it again. She needed to finish the report, that night, and it was getting late. She left her room one more time to get another drink, and then decided to just finish the report without the wite-out. As she approached her room, there sitting in the middle of her doorway, was the bottle of wite-out. The bottle was sitting upright and looked as if someone neatly placed it there. She knows it wasn’t there before or she would have seen it. The mystery of the wite-out still remains until this day, with all the parties involved insisting that they never touched the bottle.