This was always one chant that I refused to do, it terrified me. Many were curious to try it and some had interesting results. April, her sister and friend were no exception. They wanted to see if this so-called urban legend was true. Her friend was religious and didn’t believe anything would happen but decided to join them anyway. It was daytime and they decided to do the chant in April’s bedroom. They put a blanket over the window but it just wasn’t dark enough. Since April loved to read, she had lots of books, so they used them to stack in front of the window to achieve enough darkness. They checked the stacks and were satisfied that the books were not going to move. They all got on the bottom bunk of April’s bed and covered themselves with another blanket. It was plenty dark at this time, so they began. Right after they were done, they heard a loud crashing noise that appeared to be coming from the room. This loud noise was followed by the sound of the blanket covering them tearing right behind her friend. The three of them threw off the blanket and saw all the books lying on the floor as if something tossed them there. That was enough for them and they ran though the house and out the front door. They stood in the yard sobbing, so afraid of what they just witnessed. Shortly afterwards, April’s mother came home. She was very worried to find the girls and their friend crying uncontrollably and was scared to find out what happened. After getting them to calm down, they explained about doing the Bloody Mary chant and what they experienced afterwards. She took them all to April’s bedroom to find the books scattered all over the floor. She then examined the blanket and found the rip that the girls heard, only it was four not just one. The slits looked as if someone forcibly torn the blanket with long sharp nails, causing four long holes. The girls were scared for months afterwards and their Mother was pissed that her old family blanket was damaged. I’m still not doing this chant!