What the Hell is it?

What the Hell is it?
 Sharon and I had a great time on our trip today.  One of the places she and I wanted to go was Vulture Mine.  That place was awesome.  You pay $10 and walk around the entire mine on a self guided tour.  We were able to go inside many of the deteriorating buildings, but some had fences around them.  I took tons of pictures and will be sharing them with you in the next couple of posts.  There was one picture that I wanted to share with you now; the one of Sharon, Marty, and myself.  Marty is the owner and was featured on the GA episode at the Vulture Mine giving the boys a tour and interview.  In the picture featured below, there is a dark form almost covering me.  The photo taken right before and after were clear.  I also will post them.
Sharon and I went into debunking mode and tried everything we could to explain what it might be.  We did the hair, strap and string test but none of which looked like the form in the picture.  If it was any of them, the image would have been seen from the top to the bottom of the picture but this image was just in the middle.  So I ask, what the hell is it?  I'm thinking that perhaps it was the spirit of one of the many souls that were buried in the grounds of the mine and wanted to be in our picture.



the hair is barely visible

a string

camera strap
Click on picture to enlarge. You will note that the image does not go to the top of the picture and that the "V" in Vulture Mine is slightly visible. Also note that the color changes from a black to a brownish color. It is not a camera strap. We tried that experiment and they didn't look the same. This image is free-floating.

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