This week's All Star Baseball Tip is from one of our top, new instructors at the Warminster Academy, JD Reichenbach.  JD has been a standout lefthanded pitcher in college and knows how to work with young pitchers to make them successful.  To schedule a lesson package with JD at Warminster, call our staff at 1-215-672-1826.
Building A Regular Routine Is Key for Starting Pitchers!
Aside from working on achieving repeatable mechanics that work well with each individual pitcher, with my older students we have begun talking about preparation and the proper routines leading up to a start or a relief appearance.
Coming up with a routine that works for you is a very important element that is sometimes overlooked. The days leading up to a start can greatly influence the outcome of your starting appearance on the mound. Feeling prepared and that you have done everything in your power before your appearance in a game will build confidence and prepare you for success. Talk with your coach, talk with other players, and try to understand what they do that helps them to feel prepared.  Arrange your routine accordingly. Write it down, change things and shape it into your own-- no one routine is the same.
I have included an example of a routine. This is for a starting pitcher, but there are also routines for relief pitchers as well. Sculpt a routine that works for you, and stick to that routine to keep yourself prepared for every outing that you may have.
Starting Pitcher Routine:
Make Start
            -Run long distance after start, followed by band sequence.
Day after start
            -Flush (throw for 2 minutes at 90 feet)
            -Run long distance run, high intensity 25-30 minutes
            -Finish with band sequence
2 Days after start
            -Long Toss
            -Sprint work (high intensity)
            -Band sequence
3rd Day after start
            -Stretch it out with your arm, then throw on flat-ground, work on all pitches.
            -Also discuss what went on during the last start and the goals for the next start.
            -This is also the time to work on any drills that you may need to work on.
            -Run a medium to long distance run, do not over do it.
4th Day (Day before your next start)
            -45 foot bullpen work, do not over do it on the mound, work on all your pitches and get comfortable with all your pitches.
            -Discuss your approach for tomorrow’s start with coach and how you will be attacking the opposing team's line-up.
Make next start…. throw hard, and win!
Building a successful routine for yourself, and tracking it day by day, will help you become a consistent, successful starting pitcher!  Work with your coach and your catcher on a routine that works for you and then repeat it through your season.
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