My Poor Booger's Butt

My Poor Booger's Butt
It has been a rough two days for my 7 ½ year old Chihuahua, Booger. He tore his anal gland for the third time in two years. The vet told us when it first happened that he will be susceptible to it happening again, and it did. Apparently this is common with little dogs when they try and shit a turd bigger than themselves.

Yesterday, I got a text from my husband saying that he was sitting with his back leg up like he was in pain and walking cockeyed. He soaked him in the tub for ten minutes in warm salt water, which is what the vet told us to do when he displayed this behavior. When I got home, I soaked him again. He was running around whining and trying to get comfortable. He finally fell asleep in his bed around 10:00 pm but was pretty restless all night.

This morning it was apparent to me that he was still in pain. I called the vet and got an 11:00 am appointment. The drive was only 10 minutes to the vet’s clinic, but during the short drive he ran from the front seat to the back seat, the entire time, like a crazy dog. When I parked the car he started shaking and whined like a little baby. This was a different clinic yet he knew where his was and that no good would come from going inside this building. I pick up his little butt, and brought him inside.

We were ushered into a room where Booger was put on a table to be examined. At this point, he is shaking, hacking, and shedding like crazy. By the time they were done, the tan table top was covered with black hair. It looked like a furry animal lying flat on the table. He needed to get his butt cleaned out and I was to leave him there while they did the procedure. They had to knock the poor thing out because apparently it is painful to have someone clean your ass. (Really?)

After an hour, I went to pick him up. The lady opened the door, and out staggered my very groggy little guy. He slowly looked up at me and his eyes were glazed over. (Zombie dog!) I picked him up to carry him out to the car and he just slumped over. This time on the ride home, he just laid there and enjoyed the buzz. I was given two different types of meds to give him. Oh joy, he is the worst dog to give pills to. I have tried to sneak the pills in food but he caught on to that trick. Our cocker, Lucy, will still fall for it but she still a youngin’. Taking my life in my hands, I pry open his mouth, and then shoot that baby to the back of his throat. He snarls the entire time, but I win out in the end. At least he is feeling better and his ass doesn’t hurt anymore.
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