Fantasy Forum: 06/13/2010

Fantasy Forum: 06/13/2010 defines regret as "to feel sorrow or remorse for".
And to quote the immortal Frank Sinatra, "Regrets? I've had a few..."

This edition of Fantasy Forum asks what regrets have you had so far this season? Poor draft pick? Unfortunate keeper? Bailed too soon on a gamble? Pulled the trigger too late on a waiver claim?

Looking back at a draft I had, I found two regrets. I drafted Raul Ibanez as my third outfielder with the 106th pick in the 8th round. I've never been a fan and knew last year's stats were a fluke but I panicked and made the selection. With my last pick (30th round, 414th pick), I drafted Jose Bautista. I promptly dropped him a few days later for David Robertson. The regret comes knowing I missed out on 18 home runs and 45 RBI since then.

I'm sure I'll find more regrets as I look through each of my four teams but I'm very interested in hearing yours.

I'll post more of mine on Twitter, so be sure to follow me there, too.
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