My Boo Boo

My Boo Boo

For the past several months I have watched this gross mass grow on my face.  It started out as a zit and just exploded from there.  It looked like "the blob" was taking over my face.  OK, I am being dramatic (it must be hormones), but I am worried what it is.  Yesterday my doctor did a pinpoint biopsy on it to make sure it isn't skin cancer which is what many Zonies (slang name for Arizona peeps) suffer from.  My hubby had cancer removed from his arm.  This is on my face and I had horrible visions of my nose being removed.  He froze off the rest of the mass and put a camouflage bandage on my face.  I should get my results by next Monday.  Fingers cross that it is nothing but mid-life reminders that I am getting older.  Also, I have a spur on the bottom of my left foot and when inflamed feels like I am walking on rocks.
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