
Old House
Starting today I won't be very active on my blogs.  We are moving this weekend and have been bringing loads of boxes over to the new house in Surprise the last couple of days.  By Saturday, we should have everything at the Surprise house along with getting the internet and Direct TV hooked up.  The place will be a mess and I will have my work cut out for me.  Sunday, we are going back to the old house in Phoenix to see if we forgot anything and take pictures.  I don't want to be accused of taking things we didn't.  The little Opie shit that lives behind us and his friends will probably break in and steal things.  (We have called him Opie since he was little because he looks just like him.)  They have broken in several houses around here and because we have loud barking dogs, they left us alone.

Anyhow, I am hoping to have a new post up by Monday if all goes well.  Sunday is Halloween and there are lots to watch on TV, so it may be late Monday before the post is put up.  I am looking forward to the move and change of scenery.  Surprise still has lots of open spaces, farms and cool abandoned buildings.  I will be sharing those pictures on both blogs ( and Above the Norm).

New House
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