Dale in the Trunk

Dale in the Trunk

As we left the souvenir store and headed south to Vinnie’s, the noises from the trunk didn’t go unnoticed. Dale has been bitching and complaining that we haven’t taken him to any of our daytrips to the abandoned sites. I tried to get it through is tiny plastic head that he would be stuck in the hot car or trunk. Sharon, or his human as he likes to call her, decided it would be fun to scare her new cyber buddy by having Dale in the trunk. As he retrieved her bag from the trunk, surprise, there was Dale lying on it. He quickly pushed Dale aside and grabbed the bag. I am sure Dale is pissed about being shoved aside as well as being left in the hot car.

Dale’s complaining about not being able to come in the house with us, or invited to lunch, was loud and annoying. By the time we got done with Florence and headed home, he was quiet. I think the heat finally got to him and he fell asleep. Now the little beast is plotting revenge for the “indignity of being locked in a hot trunk” as he calls it. Sharon is aware of his threats and knows he is up to something but doesn’t know what. Be looking for another Dale video on her blog, Ghost Hunting Theories.

These pictures are of the view from the Foothill’s, which is north of Tucson, and the restaurant we went to for lunch. I had yummy tacos there.

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