The "Lost" Supper

The "Lost" Supper

"What can we see in the image? Well, first off Locke is the only one not looking at someone else, once again hinting that he’s important (or in control?). Jack seems to be happy or at least content whilst looking at Locke (will he be on his side next season?). Does Jin and Sun grouped together mean that they will finally be reunited? Frank seems like he knows something is going on, Ben seems very concerned about that and both Miles and Hurley are curious as to what it is. Sawyer seems to be staring at Sayid suspiciously, while Sayid is offering a bowl to Kate – but Kate seems more preoccupied with either Richard and Claire or Ilana, who seems to be looking at Locke. Richard is pouring wine for Claire, making it seem like there’s some sort of relationship or connection there (could it mean that since Claire has been MIA for a full season that Richard considers her one of his people and thus he’s protective of her now?). Are there any other conclusions you’re drawing from this pic?"

(This comes courtesy of Atrueorginall and
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