Blue Moon

Blue Moon
On new years eve 2009, we were greeted with a full moon as we traveled to our friends house to celebrate the new year.  This was the second full moon of the month which is referred to as a "blue moon".  Even though they say it is not blue in color, I still saw a bluish color surrounding the moon.  I couldn't stop staring at it hoping that it was a sign that the next year was going to be much better than 2009.

 Here is wikipedia's definition of a blue moon: "A blue moon is a full moon that is not timed to the regular monthly pattern. Most years have twelve full moons which occur approximately monthly, but in addition to those twelve full lunar cycles, each solar calendar year contains an excess of roughly eleven days compared to the lunar year. The extra days accumulate, so every two or three years (7 times in the 19-year Metonic cycle), there is an extra full moon. The extra moon is called a "blue moon." Different definitions place the "extra" moon at different times."

After we got home, I decided to take some pictures of the moon.  Even though I saw a distinct blue color of the moon through my camera, it did not come out on the pictures I took.

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