You know what they say about BigFoot right...

You know what they say about BigFoot right...
...Big hoaxes. At least that's what a lot people believe.

In 1967 two men by the names Roget Patterson and Robert Gimlin took what is considered the best and most convincing evidence of the creature we all know and love as Bigfoot. The picture above, taken is Bluff Creek, California, is directly from the famous video footage by the two ranchers. The video can be seen below. Bigfoot, also known at the Sasquatch in some places, had been sighted well before this footage, but this really brought the legend to a whole new level.

In fact this creature had been spotted dating all the way back to 1924! A man by the name of Fred Black claimed he and four other miners were attacked by such creature in Ape Canyon in Washington state. The story goes that they saw large ape like creatures chucking rocks at them and their cabin. They went out and shot at what they described as "mountain gorillas". The next day they saw extremely large footprints.

Of course people have tried to debunk this event saying that a story came out that at the same time a group of young people were around throwing rocks in the canyon. Also it is reported these young people drew such footprints in the mud to prank the miners in the cabin. Thing is, we will never truly know.

In 1941 a woman named Jeannie Chapman and her young daughter claimed they had to escape their home because a 7 1/2 foot Sasquatch approached their home and tried to attack them. No one has been able to debunk this story.

In 1958 a man named Jerry Crew brought a large casting of what he claimed was Bigfoot's footprint, to a newspaper office. He claimed this print came from their isolated work site in Bluff Creek, California ran by a man named Ray Wallace. However when Wallace died, his children came forward and revealed a large wooden footprint that their father used to fake the Bigfoot's big foot.

Since then their have been HUNDREDS of sightings all over the world. Most of them brushed off as being hoaxes. The only evidence that has truly stuck is the footage from Roger Patterson. This footage has been picked apart like crazy. People have claimed it is simply a man in a costume. Which by the way, Patterson's friend Robert Gimlin came out many years later saying it really was him in a costume. People still don't believe that. The fact is many people have tried creating such costumes and have attempted to walk the same way, and have been unable to recreate the footage exactly as it was.

Some analysts point out if you look real close, you can actually see the movement of muscles on the creatures legs. Now if a man was wearing a costume, like Gimlin ultimately confessed he was, you would not be able to see his leg muscles move. Costumes don't have such detailed leg muscles, especially in the late 60's. Also some scientists who have willingly analyzed the footage claim the creature's stride is very much not like a human. They say it would be near impossible for a man to create the form of stride.

Most men and women in the science field have blatantly laughed off this Bigfoot drama, saying it's just impossible for such creature to exist. But the fact remains, most of these scientists have not even given much thought or scientific analysis to any of the claims. They just automatically say it's all a great big hoax. There are the rare few, including Jane Goodall, who firmly believe Bigfoot is real. She says she has spoken with MANY Native Americans who have heard the sounds of Bigfoot as well as seen them. Some people in this field are just open to the possibility.
Of course though, there are plenty of hoaxes inside the Bigfoot world. One came very recently actually! Watch this video below to see the actual news footage of the men who claimed to find the body of Bigfoot.

In 2008 Rick Dyer and Matthew Whitton claimed they stumbled across the deceased body of a Sasquatch in a forest in northern Georgia. They put the body in a large ice chest and froze it to keep it safe and intact. They contacted Tom Bicardi, also known as the Bigfoot Hunter and asked him to come see for himself. Dyer and Whitton received $50,000 from Bigfoot Inc. as a good faith measure. In their press conferences and interviews, all 3 men boldly stated they wanted to make as much money as possible off this discovery. After their big press conference, the body was thawed and left in the hands of the Searching for Bigfoot team. It was soon discovered that the hair was not real, the head was hollow and the feet were made from rubber. Dyer and Whitton had no choice to finally reveal it was a hoax.

So you see, there are in fact people trying to make bank of this Bigfoot madness, but not all of it has to be fake! Like I've stated, there have been MANY respected scientists who have just brushed off Bigfoot without actually really looking into it. The fact remains there is more proof he exists then there is that he doesn't. You can't just look at a video and say, "oh that's not real" or "that's obviously a man in a costume" and then have no physical proof to back it up! That's stupid! People say these things to come off smarter than they actually are. They just want to be right and sound sophisticated when really they have nothing to actually give us. I'm sorry if that sounded rude in anyway, but it's the case in anything paranormal.

People just beat us down by trying to make us think these things aren't real and don't exist but all they have is words. They rarely come forth with evidence and samples, and what not. We have WAY more proof that these things are real then skeptics have that these things are not real. That's a definite fact folks! This battle between skeptics and believers is very one sided in my opinion. Now by no means are we right in every case, I'm not an idiot! I know that people do fake evidence (like with Bigfoot) and I know we can't physically prove everything, but dammit at least we try!! We at least analyze pictures and videos, and even try to recreate and debunk things. Skeptics just look at something and say, "I know that's not real, just because it isn't possible". That's weak! Yes there are some who do try, but not enough! Oops, I've ranted, sorry!

There have been way to many eye witness accounts of Mr. OR Mrs. Bigfoot. There have been TONS of pictures taken of him or her! There have been plenty of videos. Plenty of documentaries! Now about 90-95% of all of this evidence can probably be brushed off as a hoax or just debunked, but that still leaves a small percentage of evidence that leaves us wondering if the big guy himself really is wandering the woods of the world, just waiting for the next person to come by with a camera and snap a nice little picture of him! Is he really out there? I say hell yes, but I'll let you be the judge!


This is the original footage of the Patterson-Gimlin sighting of the world famous "Bigfoot" creature. Is it real? You be the judge.

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