Bigfoot, the Horned Toad and Misc

Bigfoot, the Horned Toad and Misc
Here are some miscellaneous pictures from our Casa Grande trip.

Sharon relaxing at the dump with her newest family addition "Junkyard Annie".

Vinnie and Sharon walking across the wash to get to the abandoned rec center.

Sharon's car...

A one-legged Bigfoot in the Casa Grande desert?

Vinnie and the weird rock.

Halloween costume?  Looks like someone was a zombie.....muhahaha!

The flying saucer building at the Domes.

Vinnie getting beamed up by Scottie. 

The party tunnel at the Domes.

Vinnie checking out hell.

...and here it is, hell.

The horned toad we found. (Actually Vins found it.)

Messing with the horned toad and trying to turn it over.
 The smart little creature wasn't going to let that happen.

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