Many of the paranormal shows on TV have huge followings. Each week we tune in to watch paranormal investigations in haunted places, or on the hunt for elusive creatures in places we may never travel to. We are spooked by their personal experiences and amazed by the evidence of paranormal phenomenon that they capture on their scientific equipment. Some of the shows are met by criticism of being untrue and fooling the public into believing the paranormal crap they are serving up. Most hardcore paranormal enthusiast won’t listen to the skeptics and ignore their ranting. I have listed seven well known paranormal shows and ask you to give your opinion if you believe the show is real or not.
Ghost Hunter
s: This Sci-fi show follows the investigations of The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS) headed up by Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson, who are plumbers by trade. Each week they lead their team of paranormal researchers to investigate various haunted places throughout the country. They are equipped with sophisticated electrical devices to aide them in the investigations. They set out to prove that there is a logical known reason for the unusual paranormal activities. They thoroughly investigate the areas where the apparitions, noises, and objects moving by unseen forces have been reported. There are times they are able to “debunk” the activities and give another possible answer for the cause. There are those few times when they catch something so incredible and chilling that it even seems to surprise them. They will not say a place is haunted unless they have enough evidence to back it up.
Ghost Hunter
s International: This spin-off of the original Sci-fi show takes the investigations to paranormal hotspots around the world. The GHI team is lead by veteran investigator, Robb Demarest. He along with Barry Fitzgerald is enjoying their second season of investigating with a whole new team. Here’s hoping that this group stays together. They basically follow the same guidelines as the original Ghost Hunters team, TAPS. Using the same electrical equipment, with the additions of a full-spectrum camera and 360 mic, they do the same type of debunking methods that the TAPS team uses. After checking all the evidence and don’t find anything paranormal, they will not say the place is haunted. However, they do seem to capture lots of paranormal anomaly in the devices they use in some of those spooky international places they have investigated.
ion Truth: This Sci-fi show follows Josh Gates and his crew investigating and searching for the truth of mythical creatures and other paranormal activities throughout the world. Also using the same guidelines as TAPS, they are armed with scientific equipment and the knowledge to either debunk or find evidence of the phenomenon. They will talk to the locals who may be witnesses of the creatures or paranormal activities and experts as well. Then at nightfall, they set up their equipment and conduct the investigation, sometimes putting them in danger. Afterwards, they take all the evidence they captured to experts in Los Angeles for evaluation.
Ghost Adventur
es: This Travel Channel show came about from an incredible documentary of ghostly evidence captured. You follow three paranormal investigators, Zak, Nick and Aaron to any haunted location throughout this country and internationally. They start out by getting to know more about the areas surround the place they plan to investigate. Then they will talk to the locals for personal experiences or stories they may have heard. Their method of investigating is very different from TAPS, GHI and DT. Only the three of them are present during the investigations, no camera and sound crews, and they are locked in the facility from dusk to dawn, with no way out. They will set up equipment in various spots where paranormal activity was reported and use their handhelds for most of the investigation. If anything is caught on camera or a recorder, we see that evidence right afterwards. Ghost Hunters and GHI usually presents their evidence at the end of the investigation. Also, both Zak and Nick use a taunting method to stir up the ghosts, hoping to anger them into making an appearance. Sometimes this seems to work even though the screaming gets to be too much. Zak was warned by a Priest not to taunt the demon spirits because it could be dangerous but we know he won’t stop.
Most Haunted
: This UK team mostly investigates international hotspots but has made an appearance in the United States. The UK team is lead by Yvette Fielding and is made up of psychics, mediums, a skeptic and other experts in the paranormal field. We are first told of all the paranormal activity by Yvette, and then another team member, Leslie, takes us room by room giving the haunts and history of the place. She watches while Yvette and Brian Shepherd, a medium/psychic artist, go through the same rooms to see if he can pick up the information that was given earlier. He is usually right on the money with his answers. Then its lights out, they separate into several groups and start the investigation. Like Ghost Adventures, we see any evidence captured right after it happens. Sometimes they will conduct a séance to communicate with the dead. This group is out to prove that there is life after death. After the investigation is over, the evidence is gone over piece by piece an analyzed by Ciar O’Keeffe, a Parapsychologist and skeptic, to see if they caught anything paranormal.
anormal State: Another show, found on A&E, that I haven’t watched and would like input. This is how the show is described on the website: This show delves deep into the strange and the mysterious with Paranormal Research Society founder Ryan Buell and his team of investigators as they attempt to unravel inexplicable paranormal phenomena including sixth-sense experiences, ghost sightings, demonic disturbances, and brushes with the darkest areas of the unknown. They work cases all across the country.
hic Kids: Children of the Paranormal: This is another A&E show that each week follows children that are brought together to learn how to deal with their special psychic skills and to let them know that they are not alone. Dr. Lisa Miller and Chip Coffey are helping them find that understanding along with their parents. You follow each child’s story and find that they are usually scared and isolated, keeping quiet about what is happening to them. You hear their parent’s stories of fear for their child not really understanding if their kid is making up stories or if something is mentally wrong with their child. They are taught how to manage their abilities and shown all the burdens that
come with having paranormals skills. The journey between each child, their parents, the medium and psychologist takes a unique and personal path on how they deal with their special gifts.