So now we have the major motion picture version starring Oscar nominated actress Virginia Madsen (Sideways). It tells the story of the family (changed to the Campbell family) who is forced to relocate to Connecticut due to their sons health, who has cancer. He is involved in a special case study, but his future looks grim and is not expected to live much longer. The husband still lives back in their other house due to his job and travels back and forth. He is a drunk. Soon the sick boy starts to experience some paranormal events and at first it's just him. He thinks he is hallucinating but he can't say anything because that means the treatment isn't working. But soon the other children start to experience things. The older kids enlist the help of a reverend who also has the same cancer as the son. The kids also unearth the house's past. This is when a lot of the chaos starts to happen and even momma starts to experience things. I won't go into anymore detail about the plot.
I was expecting to be fully dissapointed by this movie. To often we have haunted house movies that seem to be based off true stories, that really just fall flat on ever aspect. They are never really scary, and usually are always predictable. Also some of the previews threw me off. I mean look at the poster, it looks some weird blobby ghost thing is protruding out of some kids mouth. The preview made it look like way to much was going on. But in the final product...it was actually pretty good for me. I found some good, solid points in the movie. There were more than enough moments that really got me spooked. Genuinely freaked! I even jumped about three times, which NEVER happens to me anymore. But this movie caught me off guard a few times.
I also appreciated the story. It never was over the top. You see all the time in these Japanese horror remakes that the story overtakes the whole production and it becomes so elaborate to the point of just not making any sense or we just don't care anymore. But the "investigation" aspect of this story does not come into play until a good three fourths into the movie and really just takes up one or two scenes, then it all unfolds past that. Now that back story to the house isn't all that great or original...but it worked for this movie. It made sense with the "hauntings" that were happening. And the blobby thing? It was ectoplasm. Maybe still a tad over the top for story purposes, but I was able to get over it rather quickly...it is actually a key point in the back story. The effects of it were pretty cool though! I've even included this scene right down below for your entertainment!
Also really good performances, which surprised me. Madsen has been a hit or miss actress in her career and I'll admit I've never seen her Oscar nominated role. But I thought she was a perfect choice for this role. She made a great mom figure. She looked and acted like a real mom. Sometimes the mom's are always some hot chick with a big chest. Madsen is certainly not "ugly" but she isn't Angelina, if you know what I mean. Sometimes when you cast pretty people in these roles, it becomes distracting and annoying. Her oldest son played by Kyle Gallner, was also a good pick. He plays the sick, depressed kid rather well! His expressions kind of got a bit annoying at times though. His face was always droopy and I don't think he EVER smiles...but he DOES have cancer in the film, so what should I expect.
My major issue with this movie was that it became to cliche with the scare tactics. I don't think I've ever seen so many jump scenes in a movie before. There were a few scenes where there were up to five jump moments in one scene alone...just back to back to back. It got the audience, and all the girls screamed, but it just become tiresome after a while. I was getting pissed off by it. It was the old open the door with the mirror on it and nothing reflects, then close it and suddenly theres a decomposed body reflecting. Of course ALL these jump scenes are accompanied by obnoxious high pitched music or sound effects that aren't actually being experienced by the people in the movie...just by us, the audience. Usually it's the sounds the scare us, not what's happening. Movies need to rely more on genuine eye scares and not sound effect scared. By like I said earlier, there were some jump moments that really did get me good! Touche movie!
Also I didn't care for the "ghost" effects. I'm really getting tired of seeing the ghosts in movies. Especially in this movie, wee see them as carved up, or bloodied up, or burnt. They are full human ghosts, not even see through ghosts. To me, and I think for most human minds, the scariest things are the things we cannot see. Why not have doors close and open by themselves? Why not have phantom footsteps running or walking around? Why not have tapping on walls? Why not have soft whispers coming from a dark hallway? Or ghostly screams or cries coming from upstairs when no one is there? THAT is unsettling, not these cheesy zombie ghost effects. However, there still was a few unsettling moments that stuck with me after the film...but have since been erased from my mind.
Overall, I was very pleasantly surprised by this movie. Pretty cool storyline, good performances, and some legit unsettling scares. I was just taken back by the usual horror movie tricks and cliches we have grown accustomed to. Come one Hollywood...be a little bold, be a little original. Stop using the "same old, same old" routine and go outside the box for once. You will be shocked at what the final product looks like...and so will your audiences!
I recommend this movie for fans of a good ghost tale or just a fun horror movie. That's what it is...fun, entertaining. You won't get anything from it other than some cool scares and a cool little plot. So why not enjoy a movie like that!
I give this movie ***1/2 out of *****