Spiritualism is the belief that the dead survive as spirits which can communicate with the living through a third party, a medium. According to the philosophical doctrine of spiritualism, spirits inhabit a world in itself known as the ‘Spirit World’. This world is the vessel where other worlds come through and is independent from the ‘material’ world. Some Spiritualist believe that we are spiritual beings living on this earth for only a certain amount of time and living in the physical realm for a reason. They also believe that the human’s soul can live beyond the physical body’s existence. We live in the physical realm, temporarily, learning enough lessons to move on to the spiritual world. Spiritualists believe in spiritual evolution and that the substance of the physical and spiritual worlds is connected with one another and is developing gradually. Many feel that the Spirit World is where ghosts or spirits go after death.
The Plains Native Americans have a strong belief in a Great Spirit and the Spirit World. This Great Spirit is powerful and has a great ability over everything on Earth. The Earth is the mother of all spirits, and the Sun, which gives the earth warmth and light, has a great power. Many visions that are in their dreams are believed to be a sign from the spirits. The Medicine Man was usually sought out to interpret the dreams and any visions or signs one might have. Often times, animals, like game, was killed as an offering to the spirits.
Some Atheists, including some scientists, feel they need more proof of the existence of the Spirit World before they will give any validity to this subject. They will usually deny any realm beyond this real world and would rather have someone else prove its existence.
Whether you believe in the Spirit World or not, the existence of anything beyond this physical realm is possible.