Seeing vs. Believing

Seeing vs. Believing
I was checking my DVR list yesterday to see what I had recorded.  I wanted to get caught up on some of my favorite shows that I couldn't watch when they were on.  I forgot that I recorded a show called, "Seeing vs. Believing", on Sunday.  At the time this show recorded I was watching Amazing Race and hoping that the cowboys, Jet and Cord, would be one of the top three teams in the finale, and they were....eeeehaw!

Yesterday, I watched the show which was labeled as a documentary.  The show follows Ricky Paull Goldin (Jake, All My Children) and his friend Jeff travel across America to try and find answers to mysterious phenomena.  Since the death of his father, Ricky who is the believer of the group, is trying to understand his father's life.  Paul Goldin was a world famous hypnotist and psychic and kept a journal of all his fascinations about his findings.  Ricky finds the journal and because he doesn't share his father's gifts, he takes off on his own journey to find answers.  Ricky is joined by his friend, Jeff Gurtman, a hard core skeptic, who is out to prove that there is a logical answer for all the unexplained phenomena.

I'm not sure if this will become a regular show, but I did enjoy watching their findings and seeing Jeff come around on a couple of things.  The two work well together.  I tried to find videos of the entire show but could not.  I'm sure that TLC will air it again, so I will keep my eyes out for it.  Meanwhile I have posted the trailer:

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