If You Build It, Will the Ghosts Still Be There?

If You Build It, Will the Ghosts Still Be There?

If on old building with a history of violence and death was torn down and a new structure was put in its place, would the spirits that haunted the old structure still be there? Some houses that have had reports of evil spirits tormenting the current owners were found to have been built on an old cemetery or sacred grounds. It appears that the unhappy spirits are making there presence known and that they do not appreciate this structure on top of their final resting place. Are the imprints of the spirits in the structure’s walls or floorboards; the objects that belonged to the decease; the ground the structures are built on that carry the embodied spirits, or perhaps all three? This brings me to Ground Zero, the over 16 acre area in Manhattan where the Twin Towers once stood. We all know what happened on September 11, 2001, it is forever embedded in our minds and hearts. Many innocent souls were lost in that unbelievable tragedy that unfolded in front of us either on our TV’s or live for those that were there. For me, I spent a week glued to the TV with a box of tissues in disbelief. I never got the chance to see the towers and now I never will. Ten months later in July of 2002, my family and I saw Ground Zero for ourselves. When we first got there, we walked along a long cover corridor where openings were provided in various areas to see the enormous hole that once stood the Twin Towers. You finally get to an open area were you can stare and reflect on what that moment was like for those that were there. On all four sides of the massive hole were signs of the destruction on the buildings surrounding the 16 plus acres. You saw three buildings standing with the middle one covered in what looked like a large sheet; building walls that were still destroyed from the trauma of the towers falling; windows that were still blackened from the fire and heat; and a one solid block memorial honoring those loved ones that perished in the destruction. In the very deep hole was the construction equipment that was working to fill the area so that new construction can some day be put upon this massive piece of land that will forever have a history of violence. While there, you are overwhelmed with the feeling of sadness and the terror that many must have felt. With about 3,000 lives that were lost almost eight years ago, I was wondering if the area might be haunted by some of their spirits, especially those that never knew what hit them. Will the new memorial park and buildings have paranormal activity or will those spirits finally rest in peace?

Some visitors and others that have offices near Ground Zero have reported some paranormal activity. They have reported seeing a ghost of fireman in full gear running through the area and other apparitions of those that may have worked there. An unsettling feeling, chills with hairs rising on their arms, and the feeling of dread are also reported. I have been there twice and experienced some of those feelings, especially in 2002. The memory of that day was clearer in 2002 than when I returned three years later, in 2005.

Basically, I was just wondering, if you build it, will the ghost still be there? I would love to hear your thoughts.

Manhattan skyline before 2001
Manhattan skyline 2005 (picture taken by my cousin)
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