Canseco Set To Make Fool Of Self On National TV

Canseco Set To Make Fool Of Self On National TV

In an exclusive interview with "Nightline" co-anchor Martin Bashir and Jose Canseco talk about the explosive allegations in his new book, including his claim that he put star New York Yankee third baseman Alex Rodriguez in touch with a trainer who was also a supplier of steroids.

Canseco acknowledged to Bashir that he does not know whether the trainer -- whom he calls "Max" -- actually provided steroids to Rodriguez.

"I cannot bet my life on it … that Alex Rodriguez ever used steroids," he told Bashir, "but in my opinion, I suspect he has, yes." When challenged by Bashir to identify "Max" or to provide other evidence to support his claims, Canseco said "the timing's not right."

"That's just not a good enough answer," Bashir said. "Why don't you produce the evidence?"

"Let's see how Alex reacts to this," Canseco said. "Let's see how Alex reacts. Let's see if they call me a liar again. How's that for ya? Let's see if all of a sudden they're gonna call me a liar again."

You can watch Martin Bashir and Jose "The Clown" Canseco's interview tonight (3/27/08) on ABC's "Nightline" at 11:35 p.m. ET.
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