The Zombie Book and Dream

The Zombie Book and Dream
My contribution is a story that I wrote and a wild zombie dream that April wrote.

Possessed by a Zombie's Soul
By Adsila
Jason stared out the misty windows of his loft apartment in Manhattan, and wondered why he had a bad case of writer’s block. He never had trouble coming up with the staggering words that made his mystery/horror novels so popular. With his publisher’s nagging words pounding in his head informing him the deadline for his book was due; he knew that getting out of the city to a more secluded place was what he needed. His Grandpa Walter owned a cabin deep in the woods of Kentucky where he visited often as a little boy. The small three bedroom cabin held lots of memories for Jason and he knew this was the perfect place to write his latest novel, which had no title yet.

Jason drove to the end of a tiny dirt road to reach the cabin before nightfall. It was much smaller than he remembered, and had a porch with a rickety old rocker sitting on it. He remembered countless time his Grandpa would sit in the rocker, whittling wood and drinking his homemade booze. Jason and his brother Dylan would sit for hours while their Grandpa would spin many tall tales about his strange neighbors. “They are zombies”, he would insists, and they responded by saying “oh Grandpa, you are just trying to scare us”.

After unloading his gear, he made a sandwich and went outside and sat down on the rocker. The sun was all but gone by now and the eerie darkness of the woods surrounded him. He noticed the wooden trunk at the end of the porch where his grandpa usually left his homemade booze, which he always referred to as his juice. Jason lifted the lid and found a half empty bottle sitting amongst the cobwebs. He grabbed the bottle, sat on the rocker, and contemplated about taking a drink. He pulled out the cork and a strong smell hit him, burning his eyes. After several minutes, he decided to take a swig. He could feel the fire in his throat as he swallowed the elixir. He had an overwhelming rush come over him as the effects of the booze took over. He decided to take another drink and then another, with each gulp getting easier to get down. After polishing off the bottle, he sat back on the rocker and stared into the dark woods. He felt better than he had in months. He was free from all the stress that prevented his creative juices from flowing.

He had been sitting there for several hours, when he noticed a figure coming from the dark woods. As it got closer, he noticed it was a female with pale white skin, piercing red eyes, long flowing dark hair and a body that any woman would envy. He felt it had to be a hallucination because she didn’t look real, almost like a ghost. The woman approached him, and without saying a word, grabbed him with a strong embrace. He didn’t know what to think. Before he could say anything, she bit him in the neck, chewing off some skin, and causing him to bleed profusely. As she let go of her forceful grip, he fell to the ground and passed out.

When Jason woke up, it was still dark. He wasn’t sure how long he was lying on the porch or if that was an intense dream brought on by the strong elixir he drank. He slowly got up, went inside to the bathroom to splash cold water on his face. He wiped off the dirty mirror and expected to see some type of bit mark on his neck, but what he saw was even more frightening. The person looking back at him in the mirror was unrecognizable. His blue eyes were now a reddish color, his skin looked pale, his hair was disheveled, and he had an overwhelming desire to feast on human flesh. Angry and confused, he wondered who that bitch was and what did she do to him. He decided to look for her and get some answers. As he wandered through the woods in the darkness, he came across a campsite. A father and son were camping and asleep in their tent. Jason couldn’t fight his desire to feast, so he attacked the unsuspecting pair and made a meal of their flesh. Satisfied and wanting more, he sniffed out more humans to eat. He spent most of the night looking for the zombie bitch and gorging on any innocent victims he came across. By the end of the night, before the sun came up, Jason found himself back at the cabin. Weary and completely fulfilled, he dropped down on the porch and passed out.

When he woke up with the sun shining in his eyes, he slowly got up and grabbed his laptop to write about the odd dream he just had. The words flowed through him like water. Before he knew it, the book was done and titled, “The Zombie's Soul”. He called his publisher and told her he was coming back to the city with a completed novel. He wasn’t sure if it was Grandpa’s special juice or the extreme sequences of events that he dreamt last night, but he knew this was the best story he had ever written. Feeling unusually full and different, he packed his things and was ready to head home.

Jason enjoyed the success of the book but the experience that created the best seller still haunted him. The dreams of him hunting and feasting on innocent souls continued almost nightly. In the mornings he would find himself on the couch next to a cup of coffee and the newspaper. He picked up the paper and noticed the headline read, “Another body was found in an alley mauled to death”. “Hum”, he remarked. He laid the newspaper down, looked up with glazed eyes and said licking his lips, “yeah, I know and they were tasty too.”

Zombies and Pancakes
By April

I have always had the weirdest dreams, and this one I thought was funny, so I thought I would share. Let me know what you think….

I had this dream about 2 years ago.

I dreamed I was staying in a cabin in Sedona for the weekend with some friends (people I knew in my dream but not really anyone I really knew). When we got to our cabin, we were told that some people had been murdered in one of nearby cabins the year before. Since we were there the year before it seemed to freak out the group of people I was with. It didn't bother me at all. I was very hungry and all I could think about was eating some pancakes. I had brought some from home and had been waiting to eat them. My friends wanted to go over there to check out the cabin. I was like, whatever. I guess I could wait, so we walked over there and talked to the people staying in the cabin. They told us where the murders happened and how the cabin was remodeled because of the damage. They said that the reason they died was because they had zombies in the woods. That seemed to make everyone laugh, but I was like oh yeah… I deal with zombies all the time. (Evidently, I seemed to unconsciously remember that I dreams about Zombies all the time, and that's why it really didn't faze me.) They laughed, and jokingly told us that there is no such thing as Zombies.

I was like no, I would know, I have been fighting them forever. I was slightly irritated, because they were laughing. I told them that all they had to do was hit them in the head. That they were really dumb, and they could avoid them easily.

At this point, I realized that talking to them was no use because they all just stared at me like I was crazy or something.

I was like, forget this, I want my pancakes.

So I left them in the cabin with that guy and started to walk back to our cabin. As I began my walk, people around me were starting to scream, and run. I was like; oh it's probably the zombies. Ha, wonder if they will believe me now.

I began to shake my head and yelled “if you start to scream, then they follow you"!

I continued on my way. Well, when I got there, the cabin was flooded with people and it was like a zombie food fest. I started to get pissed off.

I was like "What the hell, people." (Kind of the way you get irritated at people and how they can't drive) "It’s not rocket science; zombies are dead, not much brain power! How do you get caught by a stupid dead person?

So, because of the amount of people involved, and infected blood, I couldn't go near my cabin. Pissed off that I couldn't get my breakfast, I walked back. I could hear helicopters now and gun fire, but I didn't care. I was really disappointed. I walked back to the first cabin and saw what was left of my friends, which was friends turned into zombies trying to kill my other friends who weren't zombies.

I got even more pissed off. I was like Why didn't you listen to me? I told you how to kill them!

I just went inside and there was blood everywhere. But there weren't that many zombies so I walked to the kitchen. I went into the freezer, and there in front of me were frozen pancakes!!!! I was so happy. The others followed me in there for safety, and were like what the hell, so they took off. I didn't care, it's was their problem.

I opened the package and pulled out a plate from the cupboard. I put the pancakes on the plate, and that's when I noticed the blood all over the microwave.

I was like, well shit…. Oh well

I just grabbed another plate to cover the top, so I wouldn't get any blood on the food. I popped it in and set the timer. By this point, there were zombies chasing people down the hall, and more and more were coming in. I knew I should leave, but I still had like a minute left. So I grabbed the butter and syrup packets and shoved them in my pockets, and popped open the door with about 30 seconds left. I decided to leave through the back door, and there I saw my friends cornered, about to get eaten. I was like, damn you guys, and I looked down and I shoved the pancakes in my pockets. I began to fight off some zombies, and I saved what was left of my friends from getting eaten. That's when the military came in and pulled us out. They huddled us in a large circle and began to execute all the zombies. Well, I was finally left alone, so I snuck over to the bushes in the corner and finished my food. By the time I was done, all the zombies were dead, and we went home.

...Yeah, I guess I was hungry when I went to sleep... The thing is I don't even like pancakes.

The list of other zombie walk participants:
Ghost Hunting Theories

The Caffeinated Zombie
Improbable Frontiers
Anything Horror
The Digital Looking Glass
Monkey Man
Strange State
Hayes Hudson's House of Horror
Echoes In the Abyss
Not Worth Mentioning
The Misadventures of HalloweeNut  
Haunt Jaunts
Holly's Horrorland
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