Photos: Real or Not?

Photos: Real or Not?
I decided to cruise the internet to try and find interesting ghost photos.  What I found was many photos with apparitions, weird lights and orbs that people have posted.  Some claim their photos to be real and others wanted the public to decide.  I have to tell you that some did look authentic and others you can tell was a bad photoshop job.  With technology these days, along with very talented people, it is getting harder and harder to tell if a photo or video is fake.  Those with a keen skeptic's eye can tell but most of us cannot.

Were these many photos real or not?  I decided not to post any of those I found but to use my own photos as examples.

1. Ghost in the closet?
If you tilt your screen up, you can see what appears to be a ghost in a dark closet, but is it?
In fact, Mike took this photo at the Copper Queen Hotel in Bisbee with his cell phone.  This hotel is known to be haunted but not this time.  The figure in the closet is my son Andy's reflection.

2. Albert's area and Mike
This was taken at the Copper Queen Hotel on the fourth floor in the area known as "Albert's corner".  Albert is a ghost that haunts this area and has make his presence known to some staying there.  Is he the one messing up this photo by trying to manifest?  I would say no, and that is was just my camera malfunctioning.

3. Alex and the shadowperson?

Is Alex being haunted and followed by a shadowperson?  Not this time, because I photoshoped the shadowman in.

4. Bisbee ghost figure?

This photo is a mystery to me.  My son Andy took this while in Bisbee, just after midnight, in a well lit  area.  He took other photos and they looked normal.  This one looks like a ghostly white figure walked by while he took the picture.  It almost blacks out the entire picture except for the white figure dashing through.  It also doesn't look like his finger got in the way while shooting the picture. If that happened, the white figure would be more solid.  I wish he took another picture right afterwards to compare, but he didn't.

5. The apparition?
Is this an apparition that showed up in one of my inverse photos?  This ghost has shown up in several on my photos and is my Great-grandfather George.  But, alias, I did photoshop him in. 

6.  Orbs

There was so many photos with orbs in them.  People get very excited over orbs in their photos but I have learned that there are many explantions for orbs.  The orb could be dust, bugs or something on the camera lense.  I admit that I got excited at first over all the orbs that I captured in several in of my photos.  I did ask Sharon (Autumnforest) about the only two photos of mine that had blue orbs in them.  The top one was taken at the Whaley House, which is known as "one of the most haunted places in America", and the other one is of my Mother standing near my Dad's grave on the anniversary of his death.  She did say that these particular orbs could mean something considering where and when the photos were taken.  I hope she comments and explains it in more detail.

I wasn't surprised that there were so many ghost photos, just the many that people claimed were real.  Until I know the source, background, and other information on the photo, I will have to view them with a skeptic's eye.

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