Ghost Adventures' Desert Transportation

Ghost Adventures' Desert Transportation

Aaron and Zak on their way to the next investigation. 
 Looks like Nick decided to take the vehicle.

I have at least five half done posts on Word and trying to find the time to finish at least one of them. You would think that being unemployed I would have more time to write posts, but that just hasn't been the case.  I have to thank Zak for posting this crazy picture on Twitter and providing me something to share with all of you.  He and Aaron are so goofy.

Next weekend (Feb. 20th), Mike and I are going back to Bisbee and staying at the Copper Queen Hotel along with his sisters and other friends.  I'm hoping that something paranormal happens while we are in the hotel or walking around Bisbee.  I'm also hoping that it will get Mike back in the mood to write. (hint, hint Mikey, lol) I will be posting our adventure after we get back.
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