Chip Coffey

Chip Coffey
When you think of psychic mediums, one name comes to mind, Chip Coffey. His uncanny natural gifts have not gone unnoticed by several newspapers or magazines. They have noted his outstanding abilities in many articles. Not only can Chip’s story be found in a majority of printed items, but he has been a distinctive part of many television and radio broadcasts. Lately, we can find Chip using his abilities in such A&E Network programs as Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal, Paranormal State and Airline. On Psychic Kids he acts as a mentor towards children who have experienced psychic abilities, primarily seeing ghosts.

Chip Coffey was born on August 21, 1954 in Elmira, New York. He lists his occupation as “Medium” and is currently living in Atlanta, Georgia. This is a tweet Chip said about himself:

“I shop at Walmart, mow my own grass, do my own laundry and clean up dog poop every now and then. Yep, I'm a celeb. ROFLMAO.”

I didn’t find information about his younger years, but you can find Chip all over the web in his many sites. Read more about his personal life, about the shows he is involved with, and other aspects of his life at the following places:

His website:




Here is a link to an interview he did with Ghost Theory in 2009:
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