Paranormal State: A Complete Circus?

Paranormal State: A Complete Circus?

We were sent a very interesting article about Mark Johnson's (New Jersey Paranormal Research) experience with the crew of Paranormal State. The treatment and lack of respect for his clients disgusted him and prompted him to make a statement about it.

The show that featured his clients was on last season and titled "Desperate Households". Basically, Mark was contacted by the show looking for new cases. His clients were not sure if they wanted to do the show at first, but warmed up to the idea later. What happened after the Paranormal State team got to their house was nothing but a big disappointment and disaster.
 Click here to read the entire article and let us know what you think.

**Note: We don't know if this article is true or not but it does raise the question about the legitimacy of these ghost huntings shows. It's not so much about the evidence being faked but the shear professionalism of the ghost hunting team.
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