New Bullpen Add

New Bullpen Add
4 wins, 0 losses in 5 starts.
0.87 ERA, 0.77 WHIP
31 IP, 18 hits allowed
6 walks, 27 strikeouts
.170 average against, 0 hr allowed

Who is this, you ask? Why it's the Yankees' new long man out of the 'pen.

As we previously discussed Ross Ohlendorf is not a long man (though he has been used as such). Neither are J. Albaledejo, Hawkins or Farnsworth. When we get the inevitable 2 inning clunker from Moose we will need to have someone in the 'pen who can go 4 or 5 innings at a clip. Based on the above numbers, Darrell Rasner absolutely deserves the chance to show he can do it.

Darrell has had fair success in the bigs in parts of 3 different season. He posted an ERA+ last year of 111 in 24.2 innings and is absolutely tearing up AAA. As the Yanks need a long man/spot starter I think it's time to cut our losses with the failed Hawkins experiment and give Rasner a chance to succeed.
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