It was December 2004 when my Dad caught pneumonia, then congestive heart failure. After five years of many health issues, he couldn't fight back from this illness. We got the news on a Tuesday and on Wednesday they made plans to put him in the hospice area of the hospital. The next day he was weaker but still able to talk with us. By Friday, he just laid in bed, peaceful with his eyes closed. There was something different on this day. On the window seal was a dove, pacing back and forth. Every time it got to the end of the window seal, it would look inside while bopping its head up and down. It kept it up all morning, not missing a beat, while we sat by his bed and told stories of his life. We all left for lunch but the dove kept up his vigil on the window seal. When we returned from lunch we noticed another dove was with him. The two of them were marching in formation, stopping at the end to bop their heads while looking at us in the room. They never missed a beat. Around two in the afternoon, the priest came to administer the Last Rites. Sometime during that time while we were all praying, he passed away. After grieving, we noticed that the doves were gone too. Were they the spirits of family members that came to help my Father on his journey? I believe they were.
Another time w
as at my Mother-in-law's grave site. It was a crispy Christmas morning, after opening our presents from Santa (yes, I said Santa), we ate breakfast then went to visit our loved ones. After my daughter and I went to decorate another family member's grave, we met my husband and son back at his mother's grave site. As we all stood next to each other talking, a hummingbird buzzed around us. It started by circling each of us several times. Then it would hover in front of our faces coming very close. It kept up this vigil for several minutes before it flew away. I didn't think that hummingbirds went near people but this one did. To me it seemed like it was trying to communicate to us. I told them that it was Darlene and she was saying hello. Was it the spirit of my Mother-in-law in that hummingbird? I believe it was her bringing us love on that Christmas morning.
