The Phoenix Lights

The Phoenix Lights
I'm not going to write much about the "Lights over Phoenix" because I attached a couple of videos showing this phenomena. On March 13, 1997, around 8:30 pm many Phoenicians and others all over Arizona, stepped out of their homes to catch a glimpse of the Hail-Bob or sometimes referred to as Hale-Bopp comet. What they saw moving in the night skies was something much more, a series of strange lights. In the distance the lights appeared to be independent of each other but as they got closer to the observer, it looked like an upside down V shape with lights on it. This wedge like object was reported to be moving South, slowly through the state of Arizona. People have stated seeing it in Tucson around 8:45 pm, giving the same description as was reported in Phoenix. There is no logical explanation for the lights but some evidence explains the lights as airplanes. Video evidence shows the lights as separate entities moving individually and not as a single object. The explanation is that some of the witnesses may have had their eyes play tricks on them forming the illusion of one object.

I've watched all the documentaries on this phenomena and found it interesting. The videos are stronge evidence showing the lights from different angles, forming a V shape traveling over the skies of Phoenix. Since it happened in my backyard, I am sorry that I missed the whole event. I was probably doing something much more exciting like watching TV.


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