Ghost Hunters vs. Paranormal Activity

Ghost Hunters vs. Paranormal Activity
So I wanted to post a quick blog about something. Ghost Hunters has been one of my favorite shows for years now. I used to be so excited when it came on and couldn't wait to watch it. In the past two seasons I'm finding myself less and less excited about watching the show. Is it just me, or does something seem off about the TAPS crew lately? For me, it doesn't feel "real" anymore. Everything is becoming more and more "scripted" and a lot of it seems staged these days. Just observe their behavior now compared to the first few'll see what I mean. They seem to be doing less debunking and more "catching". They seem to be believing in more these days rather than going in as skeptics. Either they simply just don't care anymore and they are tired of it all...or they were bought off by syfy to make the show more interesting these days.

The film release of "Paranormal Activity" was a huge success. The film has this incredible realism to it, almost a freaky realism. You have to see the movie to truly understand. But all of the "ghostly" things look like authentic like it was actually happening. Here's the thing though, the movie is clearly a fictional story. The movie was made for a measly $11,000. They used one single camera and actors who had virtually no experience. My point is with all this, they came off as more credible than TAPS has recently. That's sad, because the jut a movie. They were able to fake ghostly evidence. They pulled it off so well that you almost think it IS real.

Am I saying I don't believe in ghosts anymore? No of course not, I still believe. But I've become more skeptical over the past few months. I don't instantly believe anything I see on TV in regards to the paranormal. We can all be duped so easily with fancy camera tricks and good acting. Is Ghost Hunters fake now? I have no idea, but I'm leaning more towards the fact that it just might be. Not ALL of it...but I think a lot of it is now. But I will still watch the show...because it is still entertaining to me.

Watch this clip below from Paranormal Activity and just see how easy it is to fake doors opening and closing.

Again, I'm still a believer, I'm just going into it all now with less naive eyes. This is just my silly observations. Hehe.

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