Some researchers feel that there is a connection between the moon’s cycles and the deviant manners of human and animal behavior. The theory is that the full moon is linked to crime, suicide, mental illness, disasters, accidents, birthrates, fertility, strange weather, an increase in animal bites and even the elusive werewolf. There are some reports of the mentally ill patients showing signs of deterioration during a full moon, while others show an increase in seizures and bleeding ulcers. Many hospitals have been known to add more staff in the maternity ward on the nights of a full moon. My daughter is due to give birth next month, a day before a full moon, with my first grandchild. I have been joking around with her saying that she will probably go into labor on the night of the full moon because I heard that there is a high rate of births during that time. The theory is that the barometric pressure caused by the full moon has an effect on a woman’s ammonic sac causing it to expand and the woman to go into labor. At least that is what I read on some websites. They also say that women who have had more than one child are likely to give birth on a full moon night. This is her first so we shall see. My grand-daughter will come when she is ready, full moon or no full moon.
Is there a connection between the full moon human behaviors? All of the theories and connections are not shared by scientific evidence. Many studies have been conducted and proven that there is no significant correlation between the full moon and human or animal behavior. These studies were taken all over the world, in many places, during a full moon with no unusual results or changes in behavior.
Are the full moon effects real, or is it just folklore about the lunacy brought on by the many stories of werewolves and other unusual behavior told by believers? Whatever the truth may be, many still believe that the full moon does have a connection to mental and physical abilities even to this day. I was just curious.....