Yanks Dr. Hershon To Discuss Groin Injuries Tonight

Yanks Dr. Hershon To Discuss Groin Injuries Tonight
Earlier this summer New York Yankees catcher Jose Molina and Arizona Diamondbacks catcher Chris Snyder both suffered groin injuries on the same night. Molina was hit in the groin with a fastball. Snyder caught a foul tip in the groinand fractured his left testicle.

These injuries are common in baseball and so the question begs to be asked...is that protective cup doing its job? With balls flying at 80mph towards sensitive areas of the male body, isn't there a better way to protect "the family jewels?"

This week on the men’s health show on Doctor Radio, hosts Dr. Samir Taneja and Dr. Andrew McCullough welcome Yankees Team Physician Dr. Stuart Hershon to discuss some of the latest nasty testicular sports injuries - including the cases of Molina and Snyder - and to take calls from listeners around the country.

As the Tour de France is in full swing, Dr. McCullough will also discuss cycling injuries.

Doctor Radio is a national radio channel broadcasting from New York’s NYU Langone Medical Center. Doctor Radio features daily shows and reports hosted by NYU physicians on topics such as heart and sexual health, plastic surgery, psychiatry, weight loss, pregnancy, pediatrics and much more.

Dr. Andrew McCullough is assistant professor at NYU Langone Medical Center, director of NYU's Male Sexual Health and Fertility program, and was a principle investigator into the development of Viagra. Dr. Samir Taneja is director of Urologic Oncology in the Department of Urology at NYU. Every week on Doctor Radio they explore in-depth a wide variety of general and sexual health issues affecting men of all ages.

Visit www.sirius.com/doctorradio for more info

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