Through local legends, the ancestor of the Chihuahua breed was greatly believed to have been found in 1850 in the old ruins near Casa Grandes. These ruins are found in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, where the breed gets it name. There are many different theories about the origin of the Chihuahua. One theory is that Chihuahuas are descended from the Techichi, a companion dog preferred by the Toltecs. Thought to have hunted in packs, the Techichi can be traced as far back as the ninth century and thought to be the Chihuahua’s native Mexican ancestor. Remains of dogs closely similar, but slightly larger than the average Chihuahua, have been found in such places as the Great Pyramid of Cholula, with these remains dating as far back as the 2nd century BC, and predating the Ancient Mayans. After the Toltecs were conquered by the Aztecs, it was thought that the early ancestor of the Chihuahua was offered as a sacrifice during religious ceremonies. The Aztecs would cremate and bury the dog with its deceased owners believing that they would act as a spirit guide for the souls of the dead. Legends were told that the blue/black coated Chihuahuas were revered as a sacred and strong religious symbol. The Chihuahuas with red coats were given the responsibility and burden of accompanying the sins of the dead by having them thrown upon a funeral pyre as part of that burden.
A second theory is that the Chihuahua dog originated from Europe and was brought to American around 1520’s. Another theory is that the dogs descended from China and were transported to America on Chinese trader ships. This theory follows the assumption that the Chinese favored small dogs to which the Chihuahua fits the description. Whatever the origin may be, there is one fact, the Chihuahua was associated with Mexico and were discovered by American travelers. In 1880 the Chihuahua dogs were brought to the United States and thought of as exotic pets.
The word “Chihuahua” means arid, sandy place. Today’s Chihuahuas are much smaller than its ancestors, and in 1904 the breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club as a purebred breed. The Chihuahua dogs remains a popular breed to this day.
My Chihuahua's name is Booger (shown in the picture above). He is a larger of the breed, weighing 15 pounds and has the typical temperament of a Chihuahua. He is a joy to have around and glad we decided to keep him when he was given to us 7 years ago.